157 crore (nett) at the box office, reported trade analyst Taran Adarsh. In doing so, the film has surpassed the opening weekend collections of "all Hindi films" and emerged as the "biggest Hollywood opener" in India till date. "Avengers: Endgame runs riot at the box office," Mr Adarsh summed it up. Endgame - the last in the series of Avenger movies - had generated massive interest ahead of its release and scored over Rs. 50 crore on each of the three days since its arrival in theatres. Avengers: Endgame is also making noise worldwide but more on that later.
Adding to his evaluation, Mr Adarsh wrote: "Avengers: Endgame writes H-I-S-T-O-R-Y... Has a record-breaking, Blockbuster weekend... Unimaginable, unbelievable, unprecedented trending... Fri 53.10 cr, Sat 51.40 cr, Sun 52.70 cr. Total: Rs. 157.20 cr Nett BOC. India biz. Gross BOC: Rs.187.14 cr.
Mr Adarsh also offered a comparative study of Endgame and its predecessor Avengers: Infinity War. Endgame recorded an opening weekend score of Rs. 157 crore while for Infinity War, it was Rs. 94 crore: "Avengers: InfinityWar versus Avengers: Endgame... Opening Weekend biz... 2018: Avengers: InfinityWar Rs. 94.30 cr / 2000+ screens. 2019: Avengers: Endgame Rs. 157.20 cr / 2845 screens. Avengers: Endgame has collected 66.70% higher numbers than #AvengersInfinityWar. Nett BOC. India biz."
Meanwhile, Avengers: Endgame redefined box office history as it made a whopping $1.2 billion worldwide with North America contributing some $350 million, reported news agency AFP.
In one of his previous tweets, Mr Adarsh had also said how the last Avengermovie moulded the records previously set by Baahubali 2 in India. Avengers: Endgame's box office numbers are also a reflection of that fact that the movie opened to great reviews, hailing it as an emotional farewell from our beloved Avengers.
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