How to Write an About Us Page: Templates, Examples and Samples - NEWS-360

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How to Write an About Us Page: Templates, Examples and Samples

An About Us page helps your company make a good first impression, and is critical for building customer trust and loyalty. An About Us page should make sure to cover basic information about the store and its founders, explain the company's purpose and how it differs from the competition, and encourage discussion and interaction. Here are some free templates, samples, and example About Us pages to help your ecommerce store stand out from the crowd.
When it comes to personalizing ecommerce, nothing is more effective than an About Us page. The About Us page is a quick summary of your company's history and purpose, and should provide a clear overview of the company's brand story. A great About Us page can help tell your brand story, establish customer loyalty, and turn your bland ecommerce store into an well-loved brand icon.
In this post, we'll look at why these pages are integral to your ecommerce store's success, how you can build your own About Us page in your store admin, show off a couple of exeplary About Us pages and provide an easy About Us template that you can fill in to suit your business' needs.
Just fill in the blanks and you'll have a professional-looking About Us page in minutes.
So let's get started! Since we know you're busy and probably just looking for something to copy/paste, we'll jump right into the About Us Page template. Just fill in the blanks and you'll have a professional-looking About Us page in minutes. After that, we encourage you to read the rest of the article. It explains why About Us pages are extra important for ecommerce sites, gives you some tips on how to build the perfect About Us page that your customers will love, and shows some great example About Us pages to help inspire you.

About Us Page Template

We've created a sample About Us template designed to work well for virtually any ecommerce site, blog, or other site. Just fill in the brackets with your company's information and you'll have a professional About Us page written in minutes. If you want to put a personal touch on your page (which we highly recommend), check out the About Us examples below the template.

Copy and paste onto your own About Us page:

Welcome to [store name], your number one source for all things [product, ie: shoes, bags, dog treats]. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of [product], with a focus on [three characteristics, ie: dependability, customer service and uniqueness.]
Founded in [year] by [founder's name], [store name] has come a long way from its beginnings in a [starting location, ie: home office, toolshed, Houston, TX.]. When [store founder] first started out, his/her passion for [passion of founder, ie: helping other parents be more eco-friendly, providing the best equipment for his fellow musicians] drove him to [action, ie: do intense research, quit her day job], and gave him the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into to a booming online store. We now serve customers all over [place, ie: the US, the world, the Austin area], and are thrilled to be a part of the [adjective, ie: quirky, eco-friendly, fair trade] wing of the [industry type, ie: fashion, baked goods, watches] industry.
We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Name, [title, ie: CEO, Founder, etc.]

About Us Page Generator

Want a more personalized About Us page? We've created an automatic About Us Page Generator tool that will give you short, medium, and long About Us text that you can copy and paste directly onto your website.

Why is this page so important?

Although ecommerce has some incredible benefits, like convenience, efficiency and ease of access, two areas it doesn't naturally excel are warmth and personability. Thankfully, online stores can still match the personal touch of the best brick and mortar stores by doing one thing: telling their stories.
Your About Us page is one part autobiographical, one part educational and all parts human and personal to your customers.
That's where your About Us page comes in. Your About Us page is one part autobiographical, one part educational and all parts human and personal to your customers. It showcases the background of your company, and takes your customer on the journey that has led to your business. Plus, it builds brand trust and loyalty, as well as sets you apart from your competition. Given how much they do, your About Us page is just about the last page you'd want to leave blank.

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